Protect Your Child With Vaccines


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Protect Your Child With Vaccines

Parents want their children to be healthy and happy throughout their lives. That’s why it’s very important to get your children vaccinated on schedule. Here are some answers to common questions parents ask about vaccines.

What is a vaccine? A vaccine contains a germ, or a tiny portion of that germ, that can no longer cause disease because it has been killed or modified. When they are introduced into the body, they stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies that fight the disease. After getting vaccinated, you develop immunity to that disease. This is what makes vaccines so powerful. They prevent infectious diseases from occurring.

Why are vaccines so important? Vaccines protect your child, and everyone, from dangerous diseases like polio, diphtheria, and whooping cough. If people aren’t vaccinated, they can get very sick and the disease can spread easily.

How effective are vaccines? Before the diphtheria vaccine was introduced, up to 20% of children under age 5 died if they caught it. Now, hardly anyone in the U.S. catches diphtheria, and only about 16,000 cases were reported globally in 2018.

Pertussis, more commonly known as whooping cough, is still fairly common. Over 24 million cases and about 161,000 deaths are reported each year. For babies under one year, it can be deadly. Almost half of all babies who get it need to be hospitalized. Studies show that starting vaccinations when your baby is just 2 months old is the most effective way to prevent whooping cough.

When does your baby need vaccines? Right now, there are 14 recommended vaccinations for children under two. Skipping or delaying vaccinations can expose your baby to serious diseases when they’re most at risk for developing complications. Call your doctor to learn more about the recommended vaccinations and the right schedule for your child.

Are vaccines safe? YES! Vaccines are tested and studied for years to ensure their safety. After getting a vaccine, your child could get a low fever or feel sore where the shot was given, but serious side effects are very rare.

Is it safe to take my baby to the doctor right now? Doctors have new procedures to keep families safe. If you are concerned, call your doctor’s office and ask what precautions they have in place. And, don’t forget to wear your mask! Vaccinations need to follow a schedule, so be sure to call your doctor before you cancel an immunization appointment.

Will the shot hurt my baby? No baby likes getting shots, but once the tears stop, your child will be protected from serious diseases! And by vaccinating your baby, you’re also keeping others safe and healthy. If you have concerns, call your doctor--don’t cancel! Vaccines make the world a whole lot healthier for you and your baby.

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Finity Communications Incorporated is not a licensed medical care provider and represents that it has no expertise in diagnosing, examining, or treating medical conditions of any kind. The health information offered in this video is designed for educational purposes only. You are strongly encouraged to speak with your physician or healthcare provider if you have questions about COVID-19.
